bread loaf

Saint Paul Bread Club

We knead to bake!

Joining the Saint Paul Bread Club

About the Saint Paul Bread Club

The Saint Paul Bread Club charges no fees or dues. The only way we have of tracking membership is by counting the people on our mailing list. Our contact list serves as the main way to inform our members about future SPBC events and other events related to the SPBC.

As of July, 2008, we had about 470 members.

As of February, 2009, we had about 490 members.

As of February, 2010, we had about 560 members.

As of late January, 2011, we had about 610 members.

As of late December, 2011, we had about 675 members.

How to Join

Joining the SPBC in synonymous with being on our mailing list, which is used to notify members of upcoming events and other important news.

To be added to our e-mail list, please use this form.

Subscribe to our mailing list

* indicates required

View previous campaigns.

If that doesn’t work for you, send e-mail to David S. Cargo the Vice President for Communications.

Please put Join SPBC and the date as the subject line.

Include the e-mail address where you would like notices to be sent.

Include a phone number where we can contact you.

Include your mailing address (or at least your ZIP code).

Members must have e-mail, since that is the easiest way to communicate with members. We only use your phone number if your e-mail stops working.

If you know that there are specific monthly meetings you are interested in, let me know and I will also add you to special lists for those meetings.

If you happen to have a wood-fired oven (or are interested in them), please let me know that. (We might want to arrange some field trips if people with ovens are willing to host events where a bunch of bakers show up.)

If you show up at a monthly meeting, you might not get asked for your information, so you might not get added as a member even if you deserve to be. So make sure the convener of the meeting knows that you should be added to the contact list.

We don’t share or sell our mailing list with anybody.

I try to keep broadcast mailings to a minimum (although there is at least one per month).