19 lb water 31 lb flour 5 oz olive oil 5 oz honey 6.5 oz salt 2.5 oz yeast (fresh) Put water into mixing bowl, and then add other ingredients. Mix on low speed until ingredients are combined. Mix on medium speed until dough is smooth and elastic (about 10 minutes). Divide dough into 1 lb. balls. Let rest 15 minutes. Roll out, stretch, or toss into rounds. These can be 11 to 15 inches depending on how thick or thin you want them. Dock the crusts (stick a fork in all over, like a saltine cracker). Decorate with your favorite pizza sauce and toppings. Bake for 12-15 minutes until the crust is browned, the cheese (if any) is melted, and everything is done. Serves 50 or more....